-game cstrike - Counter-Strike 1.6
+maxplayers 12 - Slot Anzahl max. 32
+map de_dust - Start Map
-autoupdate - Updatet den Server automatisch UND startet ihn nach einem Crash neu !
+ip XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX - Das benötigen wir falls der Root-Server mehrere IPs hat
-port 270XX - Normal startet der Server auf dem Port 27015, hier können wir einen anderen Port eintragen
CPU Erkennung
Normal erkennt HLDS die CPU automatisch, sollte dies fehlschlagen kann man die CPU selber angeben:
- zurück
Hier eine Beispiel config.cfg
Wichtig: als erstes das Rcon Passwort eintragen damit wird den Server auch steuern können.
rcon_password "d3o983gfh94"
// rcon Passwort
//Legt die Kauf-zeit in Sekunden fest wie Lange die Spieler an ihrem Spawn einkaufen können.
//Beispiel: mp_buytime 0.25
//Die Teams werden in gleich viele oder mit einem Spieler mehr ausbalanciert.
//Bemerkung: 0=aus; 1=ein
//Legt die Zeit in Sekunden fest bis die Bombe explodiert.
//Beispiel: mp_c4timer 50 = 50 Sekunden
//Hiermit wird die Zeit eingestellt, wie lange Chat Nachrichten angezeigt werden.
//Beispiel: mp_chattime 5
//Hiermit stellt man ein ob der Bildschirm nach dem Tod schwarz wird oder nicht.
//Beispiel: 0=aus; 1=ein
//Anzahl der Details (z.B. Einschuss-Löcher, Blut).
//Bemerkung: 0=aus; 2048=max
//Legt die Zeit in Sekunden fest wann die Spieler los laufen dürfen beim Runden Neustart.
//Beispiel: mp_freezetime 6 = 6 Sekunden
//Team Spieler nehmen Schaden wenn man sie anschießt.
//Bemerkung:0=aus; 1=ein
//Gibt an wie viel Geiselmorde auf dem Server erlaubt sind.
//Bemerkung: 0=aus; 1=1 Geiselmord; 2=2 Geiselmorde
//Gibt an wie viel Spieler ein Team mehr haben darf als das andere.
//Bemerkung:0=keine Begrenzung
//Legt die Zeit einer Runde fest.
//Bemerkung: 3=3 Minuten; 2.5=2Min 30 Sek; 0=keine Zeitbestimmung.
//Legt fest nach wie viel Runden ein Mapwechsel stattfindet.
//Bemerkung: 0=kein Mapwechsel
//Legt fest ob die Spieler eine Taschenlampe benutzen dürfen oder nicht.
//Bemerkung: 0=aus; 1=ein
//Kickt die inaktiven Spieler.
//Bemerkung: 0=aus; 1=ein
//Team Spieler nehmen Schaden wenn man sie mit einer Handgranate trifft.
//Bemerkung: 0=aus; 1=ein
//Legt fest ob man bei einem Teamkill bestraft wird oder nicht.
//Bemerkung: 0=aus; 1=ein
//Legt fest mit wie viel Geld man Startet bei der ersten Runde startet.
//Beispiel: mp_startmoney 800 = 800 Dollar
//Legt fest ob man eine Voicefunktion im Spiel benutzen darf oder nicht.
//Bemerkung: 0=aus; 1=ein
//Legt fest ob auch das gegnerische Team den Voice hört.
//Bemerkung: 0=aus; 1=ein
//Legt fest nach wie viel Sekunden die Map Restarted.
//Beispiel: mp_restartgame 2 = Restart in Sekunden.
//Setzt auf den Server ein Passwort.
//Beispiel: sv_password xxxx
//Legt fest ob man den Namen beim Anvisieren lesen kann.
//Bemerkung: 0=von allen; 1=nur vom eigenen Team; 2=aus
//Legt fest wem man zuschauen kann wenn man Tod ist.
//Bemerkung: 0=allen; 1=seinem eigenem Team; 2= man bleibt an der gleich stelle wo man gestorben ist.
//Legt die Garavitationsrate fest.
//Erlaubt das Benutzer einige HL² Cheat Mods wie zum Beispiel GodMod
//Bemerkung: 0=aus, 1=ein
//Man ist unverwundbar und kann durch alles hindurch fliegen.
//Bemerkung: Nur mit sv_cheats 1 möglich!
//Legt fest ob man in den Zuschauermodus kann.
//Bemerkung: 0=aus; 1=ein
//Legt fest ob jeder das Spiel pausieren kann.
//Bemerkung: 0=aus; 1=ein
//Legt fest wie viele Runden ein Team Gewinnen muss bis die Map gewechselt wird.
//Bemerkung: 0=aus
//Legt fest nach wie viel falschen rcon Befehls-eingaben jemand gebannt wird, z.B. wenn man das Passwort vorher nicht eingegeben hat.
//Bemerkung: min=1; Standard=10; max=20
//Zeiteinstellung für sv_rcon_maxfailures.
//Wenn vor sv_rcon_minfailuretime so viele falsche rcon Anfragen kommen, wird gebannt.
//Bemerkung: min=1; Standard=5; max=20
//Legt fest wie lange jemand gebannt wird bei falschen rcon Befehls eingaben.
//Bemerkung: 0=Permanent
//Legt die IP fest für die das rcon passwort sein soll.
//Beispiel: rcon_address 152.151.748:27015
//Legt die Geschwindigkeit der Spieler fest.
- zurück
Unter Windows die hlds.exe und Linux das Script hlds_run,
besitzen grundsätzlich 2 Arten von Parametern:
Command-line Parameter
Command-line Parameter sind am - Zeichen zu erkennen.
Das sind die eigentlichen Parameter von hlds.exe bzw. hlds_run.
-autoupdate (Linux Server sucht Updates beim Start - Server startet neu nach Crash) -binary (Manuelle CPU Konfiguration) -console (Windows HLDS läuft im console Modus) -dll (Game dll z.B. Metamod die liblist.gam muss dabei nicht bearbeitet werden) -exec (lädt eine .cfg) -game (Spielname oder Pfad dort hin wo die Dateien für unser spezifisches Spiel liegen) -heapsize 32000 (The Heapsize-option enables you to set the amount of heap (cache) for HLDS.
By default this is set to 32 MB and will be automatically adjusted by HLDS to suit your system.
However, in some cases HLDS does not correctly adjust this option.
Setting this option manually may significantly improve HLDS performance.
When deciding how big the heap should be,
take into account not just how much memory you have,
but how much is used by the operating system and other
programs. Example: -heapsize 32000)
-insecure (Server startet ohne Valve Anti-Cheat) -nomaster (Kein Masterserver, für LAN Server) -noipx (Deaktiviert IPX-support) -num_edicts (sets the entity limit for map/game entities (not temporary entities,
which is still locked to 500). 900 is default, so dont go under that.
4096 is a good limit, beyond that seems to cause hunk_alloc errors.
Both clients and servers need matching values for best compatibility.)
-pingboost 2 (Ping Booster 1,2 oder 3 ! CPU Auslastung) -sport (spezifischer VAC2 port)
Consolen Variablen
Consolen-Variablen sind am + Zeichen zu erkennen.
Das sind gewöhnliche Variablen wie sie auch in der Config (.cfg) Datei stehen.
Beispiele: +hostname "Server Name" +ip 123.456.789.102 +maxplayers 16 +hostport 27015 +sv_lan 0 +mapchangecfgfile "datei.cfg" (eine Art server.cfg -
wird ausgeführt das jeden runden Wechsel bevor Plug-ins gestartet werden)
+attack // fir
+attack2 // secondary fire - see special
+back // move backwards
+camdistance // moves chase cam perspective away from player - works only if thirdperson is activated
+camin // moves chase cam forward - works only if thirdperson is activated
+cammousemove // moves chase with mouse - works only if thirdperson is activated
+camout // moves chase cam backward - works only if thirdperson is activated
+campitchdown // decreases chase cam pitch to look down - works only if thirdperson is activated
+campitchup // increases chase cam pitch to look up - works only if thirdperson is activated
+camyawleft // tilts chase cam left - works only if thirdperson is activated
+camyawright // tilts chase cam right - works only if thirdperson is activated
+duck // crouches
+forward // moves forward
+jlook // enables joystick to look around
+jump // jumps
+klook // enables the keyboard to look around
+left // strafes left
+lookdown // looks down
+lookup // looks up
+mlook // enables mouse to look around
+movedown // moves player down - climbing down a ladder, swimming down
+moveleft // strafes left
+moveright // strafes right
+moveup // moves player up - climbing up a ladder, swimming up
+reload // reloads current weapon
+right // strafes right
+showscores // shows player scores and pings
+speed // forces player to walk if "always run" is enabled, and forces player to run if "always run" is disabled
+strafe // strafe modifier - while this is held down, use direction keys to strafe in different directions
+use // uses an item- such as a button, machine gun, etc.
addip // adds an ip address to the filterban list - use 0 minutes to make the addition permanent
alias // binds commands together in an alias to perform mutiple tasks at the hit of one button
ambient_fade "100" // sets the distance at which ambient sounds fade away
ambient_level "0.300" // sets the sound level for ambient sounds
appenddemo // records a demo and appends it to the demo file in existence at Half-Life/Valve/demo.dem
ati_npatch "1"
ati_subdiv "2"
autosave // enables autosave feature
banid // bans AND kicks a player from a server using their uniqueid - get this unique id from the "users" command - 0 minutes is a permanent ban - Version only
bannedcfgfile "0"
bgmbuffer "4096" // sets the CD audio buffer size
bgmvolume "1" // toggles CD audio on/off- 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
bind // combines a with a command or alias
bottomcolor "6" // sets the bottom color of the player model
brightness "1" // enables glare reduction - the higher the value, the brighter it gets
cam_command "0" // toggles chase cam commands on/off - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
cam_contain "0" // toggles chase cam auto-contain in current room on/off - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
cam_idealdist "64" // sets the preferred distance from the player model to the chase cam - works only if thirdperson is activated
cam_idealpitch "0" // sets the preferred pitch for the chase cam - works only if thirdperson is activated
cam_idealyaw "90" // sets the preferred yaw for the chase cam - works only if thirdperson is activated
cam_snapto "0" // sets the preferred snap interval for the chase cam - works only if thirdperson is activated
cancelselect // cancels selection
cd // controls CD audio - i.e., "cd stop" stops the cd play, "cd loop X" plays track X using tracks 1-16
changelevel // changes the map and maintains client connections
changelevel2 // continues the current game on a new map
chase_active "0"
chase_back "100" // sets the preferred chase cam distance from the player when backing up
chase_right "0" // sets the preferred offset to the side for the chase cam
chase_up "16" // sets the preferred offset up for the chase cam
clear // clears the console screen
clientport "27005" // sets the port that the client will use to connect to a server
clockwindow "0.500"
cl_allowdownload "1" // toggles download of maps, models and decals when joining a server - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
cl_allowupload "1" // toggles upload of maps, models and decals when joining a server - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
cl_anglespeedkey "0.670" // sets the speed that the direction keys change the view angle
cl_backspeed "400" // sets the backup speed of a player - number can only go as fast as a particular server allows
cl_bob "0.010" // sets the amount that the view bobs while the player is running
cl_bobcycle "0.800" // sets how frequently the view of a player bobs while running
cl_bobup "0.500" // sets the amount that the view of a player bobs while running
cl_chasedist "112"
cl_clockreset "0.100"
cl_cmdbackup "2"
cl_cmdrate "101"
cl_corpsestay "600"
cl_crosshair_color "50"
cl_crosshair_size "0"
cl_crosshair_translucent "1"
cl_dlmax "128"
cl_download_ingame "1" // toggles downloads of models and decals during a game - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
cl_dynamiccrosshair "1"
cl_fixtimerate "7.500"
cl_forwardspeed "400" // sets the forward speed of a player - can only go as fast as the server allows
cl_gaitestimation "1" // enables estimated player stepping motion
cl_gg "0" // toggles game gauge mode - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
cl_himodels "0" // toggles higer quality player models - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
cl_idealpitchscale "0.800"
cl_lc "1"
cl_logocolor "0"
cl_logofile "0"
cl_lw "1"
cl_messages // shows server messages
cl_minmodels "0"
cl_movespeedkey "0.520" // sets movement speed for keyboard use
cl_needinstanced "0"
cl_nosmooth "0"
cl_observercrosshair "1"
cl_pitchdown "89" // sets the maximum angle to look down - default is 89
cl_pitchspeed "225" // sets the speed at which the pitch changes
cl_pitchup "89" // sets the maximum angle to look up - default is 89
cl_pmanstats "0"
cl_radartype "0"
cl_resend "6" // sets the resend count
cl_righthand "1"
cl_shadows "1"
cl_showerror "0"
cl_showevents "0"
cl_showfps "0"
cl_showmessages "0"
cl_shownet "0" // toggles the display of network packet numbers - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
cl_sidespeed "400" // sets the strafing speed of a player
cl_slist "10" // sets the number of servers in the serverlist
cl_smoothtime "0.100"
cl_solid_players "1" // toggles solid player models - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
cl_timeout "300" // sets the inactivity time brfore a client times out
cl_updaterate "101"
cl_upspeed "320" // sets the speed of a player when he climbs up
cl_vsmoothing "0.050"
cl_waterdist "4" // sets the underwater distance
cl_weaponlistfix "0"
cl_weather "1"
cl_yawspeed "210" // sets the turning speed - only will go as fast as a server allows
cmd // can use this in conjunction with a command
cmdlist // lists all of the console commands - if you type "cmdlist a", it will only list those commands that begin with the letter a, and so on - also, "cmdlist log logfile writes the list to C:logfile
com_filewarning "0"
connect // connects to a server with the used ip address
console "1"
contimes // shows n overlay lines - n = 4 to 64
con_color "255"
con_fastmode "1"
con_notifytime "4" // sets client notification time
coop "0" // toggles cooperatice play mode - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
crosshair "1" // toggles the crosshair on/off - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
cvarlist // lists all the console variables in the console - "cvar log filename" will write this list to the file C:filename
c_maxdistance "200" // sets the maximum distance of the chase cam
c_maxpitch "90" // sets the maximum pitch of the chase cam
c_maxyaw "135" // sets the maximum yaw of the chase cam
c_mindistance "30"
c_minpitch "0" // sets the minimum pitch of the chase cam
c_minyaw "-135" // sets the minimum yaw of the chase cam
deathmatch "0" // toggles deathmatch mode - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
default_fov "90" // sets the default field of view in degrees - smaller number is a smaller angle of view, while a larger number is a larger field of view
demos // runs a loop of demos set with startdemos
developer "0" // toggles on/off special developer debug console messages - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
dev_overview "0"
direct "0.900"
disconnect // disconnects a player from a server
dropclient // disconnects a client from a server
d_spriteskip "0"
echo // echos text to the console - useful for letting a player know that a script or .cfg file was loaded successfully
edgefriction "2" // sets the amount of friction between players and objects
endmovie // ends a currently ongoing movie
entities // lists currently loaded entities
envmap // creates the 6 .bmp images for sky boxes from the player"s current position
escape // acts as key by hiding the console and cancelling selections
exec // executes a script of .cfg file
exit // closes a game or dedicated server program to windows without confirmation
ex_interp "0.100"
fakelag "0" // simulates lag - the higher the number, the more simulated lag
fakeloss "0" // simulates packet loss - the higher the value, the more simulated packet loss
fastsprites "0"
firstperson // enables first person viewing of the game
flush // flushes the memory and reloads the map
fps_max "72"
fps_modem "0" // sets the maximum framerate in an internet game
fs_lazy_precache "0"
fs_perf_warnings "0"
fs_precache_timings "0"
fs_startup_timings "0"
fullinfo // displays user information
fullserverinfo // displays server information
gamma "2.500" // sets the gamma level
gg // runs the game gauge benchmark using - "cl_gg" must be set to 1
gl_affinemodels "0"
gl_alphamin "0.250" // sets the minimum alpha blending level
gl_clear "0" // toggles visual quality - cracks between textures show when set to 1
gl_cull "1" // toggles rendering of visible objects only - 1 is "on", 0 is "off", and 0 will lower fps
gl_d3dflip "0" // toggles reversed rendering order for D3D
gl_dither "1" // toggles dithering - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
gl_dump // lists the data for the video card: vendor, renderer, version, and extensions used
gl_flipmatrix "0" // toggles special crosshair fix when using the 3DNow 3Dfx MiniGL - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
gl_fog "1"
gl_keeptjunctions "1" // toggles showing of cracks between textures - 1 is "on", 0 is "off", with 1 being the better quality and slower fps
gl_lightholes "1" // toggles light holes - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
gl_max_size "256" // sets the maximum texture size
gl_monolights "0" // toggles a uniform light source with no shadows - 1 is "on", 0 is "off", and works in OpenGL only
gl_nobind "0" // toggles the replacement of textures with alphanumeric characters - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
gl_nocolors "0"
gl_overbright "0" // toggles maximum brightness mode - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
gl_palette_tex "1" // toggles paletted textures - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
gl_picmip "0" // sets the rendering quality - higher the number is faster but lower quality
gl_playermip "0" // sets the player rendering quality - higher the number is faster but lower quality
gl_polyoffset "4" // sets the polygon offset - try out different values for texture flickering problems
gl_reporttjunctions "0" // toggles writing T-junction reporting to the console
gl_round_down "3" // sets the texture rounding down value - higher the number faster but lower quality
gl_spriteblend "1" // toggles blending sprite graphics - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
gl_texels // reports the number of texels uploaded to the video card
gl_texturemode // sets the rendering mode in order from the lowest quality but fastest to highest quality which is slower - [type] options are: gl_nearest_mipmap_nearest, gl_linear_mipmap_nearest (these two deal with bilinear filtering) and gl_nearest_mipmap_linear, gl_linear_mipmap_linear (which deals with trilinear filtering)
gl_wateramp "0.300"
gl_wireframe "0"
gl_zmax "4096" // sets the maximum size for the Z-Buffer
gl_ztrick "0" // toggles the speeding up of 3Dfx rendering - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
god // god mode makes player invincible - "sv_cheats" must be set to 1
graphheight "64" // sets the height of the r_netgraph display
heartbeat // sends a heartbeat signal to the master server to "remind" the master server that your server is still online and available
hideconsole // hides the console
hisound "1" // toggles high-quality sound - 1=22kHz, 0=11kHz
HostMap "0"
hostname "0" // sets the server hostname
hostport "0" // sets connection port for the server
host_framerate "0" // sets the speed that the host/server interacts with the game
host_killtime "0" // sets a time delay before killing the server
host_limitlocal "0"
host_profile "0"
host_speeds "0"
hpkextract // extracts files from hpk file - opts = [all | single index]
hpklist // lists the files in hpkremove // removes files from hpkval // displays the checksum value for hpk_maxsize "4"
hud_capturemouse "1"
hud_centerid "0" // toggles player ID display - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
hud_deathnotice_time "6" // sets how long death messages remain onscreen
hud_draw "1"
hud_drawhistory_time "5" // sets how long HUD item icons remain onscreen
hud_fastswitch "0" // toggles fast weapon switching - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
hud_saytext_internal "1"
hud_saytext_time "5" // sets how long chat messages remain onscreen
hud_takesshots "0"
iga_areacheck "0"
impulse // sprays logo decal
interp // enables frame interpolation
invnext // selects next item in inventory
invprev // selects previous item in inventory
ip "0" // sets ip address
ipx_clientport "0" // sets the client port for an IPX game
ipx_hostport "0"
ip_clientport "0" // sets the client port for a TCP/IP game
ip_hostport "0" // sets the server port for a TCP/IP game
joyadvanced "0" // These do joystick things - who the hell uses joysticks for FPSes anyway :)
joyadvaxisr "0"
joyadvaxisu "0"
joyadvaxisv "0"
joyadvaxisx "0"
joyadvaxisy "0"
joyadvaxisz "0"
joyforwardsensitivity "-1"
joyforwardthreshold "0.150"
joyname "0"
joypitchsensitivity "1"
joypitchthreshold "0.150"
joysidesensitivity "-1"
joysidethreshold "0.150"
joystick "0"
joywwhack1 "0"
joywwhack2 "0"
joyyawsensitivity "-1"
joyyawthreshold "0.150"
kick // kicks a player from a server using their userid - get the userid from using the "users" command - Version only
kill // player suicides to respawn again
lambert "1.500"
lightgamma "2.500" // sets the lighting gamma value
list // lists local servers found after using the "slist" commands
listdemo // lists information about listen
listid // lists the uniqueid"s in the banlist
listip // lists the ip addresses in the filterban list
load // loads a saved game
loadas8bit "0" // toggles the forcing of 8-bit (lower quality) sounds - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
localinfo // shows local settings
log // toggles logging
logaddress // sets the address for logfile when logging to a remote machine
logsdir "0"
lookspring "0" // toggles automatic view centering when "mlook" is deactivated - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
lookstrafe "0" // toggles mouse strafing when "mlook" is active - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
lservercfgfile "0" // sets the listen server config file - default is listenserver.cfg
map // changes the map running on server and disconnects currently connected players
mapchangecfgfile "0"
mapcyclefile "0" // specifies the name of the list of maps to cycle through on a server - default is "mapcycle.txt"
maps // lists maps containing maxplayers // sets maximum number of clients allowed on a server
max_queries_sec "3"
max_queries_sec_global "30"
max_queries_window "60"
max_shells "120"
max_smokepuffs "120"
mcache // lists modem cache contents
messagemode // displays to all other players on a server
messagemode2 // displays to only other players on same team
model "0" // changes current player model to motd // displays the Message Of The Day from the server"s motd.txt file
motdfile "0"
MP3FadeTime "2"
MP3Volume "0.800"
mp_consistency "1"
mp_decals "300" // sets the maximum number of decals to be displayed at a time
mp_footsteps "1" // toggles footstep sounds - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
mp_logecho "1" // toggles logging of echo commands - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
mp_logfile "1" // toggles logging during multiplayer games - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
multicastport "27025"
m_filter "0" // toggles mouse filtering (smoothing) - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
m_forward "1" // sets the mouse forward speed sensitivity multiplier
m_pitch "0.022" // sets the mouse pitch (up and down motion) speed sensitivity multiplier - negative numbers result in an inverted mouselook
m_side "0.800" // sets the mouse strafing speed sensitivity multiplier
m_yaw "0.022" // sets the yaw speed sensitivity multiplier
name "0" // used to change a player"s name
net_address "0"
net_chokeloop "0"
net_drawslider "0"
net_graph "0"
net_graphpos "1"
net_graphwidth "150"
net_log "0"
net_scale "5"
net_showdrop "0"
net_showpackets "0"
new // begins a new singleplayer game
noclip // if turned on, players can walk through walls - 1 is "on", 0 is "off", and "sv_cheats" must be set to 1
nosound "0" // toggles sound - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
notarget // makes players ignore you - "sv_cheats" must be set to 1
password "0" // sets private server password
pausable "1" // toggles whether or not clients can pause a server game - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
pause // pauses a game
ping // displays pings of all clients
pingservers // displays pings of servers in the serverlist
play // plays a .wav designated by playdemo // plays .dem at normal speed
playvol // sets demo playback volume
pointfile // loads maps.pts
port "27015" // sets the defualt server connection port
quit // exits to windows without confirmation
rate "30000" // sets client data rate - 1000 - 5000 for modems, and 10000+ for LAN
rcon // remote console command of a server - must be given first by rcon client before any commands will be accepted by the server
rcon_address "0" // sets the rcon ip address
rcon_password "0" // sets the rcon password
rcon_port "0" // sets the rcon console port
reconnect // reconnects to the current server
record // begins to record a demo and saves it to Half-LifeValve.dem
reload // reloads current map
removedemo // removes a segment from removeid // removes uniqueid from being banned on a server - Version / only
removeip // removes ip address from the filterban list
restart // restarts the current map and cleans the slate
retry // tries four more times to connect to a server that has already failed four connect attempts
room_delay "0" // 3D sound setting
room_dlylp "2" // 3D sound setting
room_feedback "0" // 3D sound setting
room_left "0" // 3D sound setting
room_lp "0" // 3D sound setting
room_mod "0" // 3D sound setting
room_off "0" // 3D sound setting
room_refl "0" // 3D sound setting
room_rvblp "1" // 3D sound setting
room_size "0" // 3D sound setting
room_type "0" // 3D sound setting
r_bmodelhighfrac "5"
r_bmodelinterp "1"
r_cachestudio "1"
r_cullsequencebox "1"
r_decals "4096" // sets the maximum number of decals
r_detailtextures "0"
r_detailtexturessupported "1"
r_drawentities "1" // toggles drawing player models and sprites - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
r_drawviewmodel "1" // toggles drawing player weapon model - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
r_dynamic "1" // toggles dynamic lighting - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
r_fullbright "0" // toggles maximum brightness in local games only - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
r_glowshellfreq "2.200"
r_lightmap "0" // software rendering mode only - displays one of four (0,1,2,3) possible lightmaps to view range of switched lights
r_mirroralpha "1" // toggles reflective textures - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
r_mmx "0" // toggles MMX xalculations for MMX cpu"s - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
r_norefresh "0" // toggles clearing HUD and console before redrawing - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
r_novis "0" // toggles drawing underwater polygons - 1 is "on", 0 is "off", "r_wateralpha" must be set to 1
r_speeds "0" // toggles average fps, draw speed and polygon info - 1 is "on", 0 is "off", very useful when making maps
r_traceglow "0" // toggles inclusion of monsters in glow sprite occlusion checking - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
r_wadtextures "0"
r_wateralpha "1" // toggles alpha blending underwater - 1 is "on", 0 is "off", "r_novis" must be set to 1
save // save current game in single player only
say // chat with all other players on a server
say_team // relay a message to only your teammates
screenshot // captures the screen and saves it in the Half-Life/Valve directory
scr_centertime "2" // sets how long server messages remain on the screen
scr_connectmsg "0" // displays "msg" in screen"s lower left
scr_connectmsg1 "0" // displays "msg" 1 in screen"s lower left
scr_connectmsg2 "0" // displays "msg" 2 in screen"s lower left
scr_conspeed "600" // sets the console scroll speed
scr_ofsx "0" // sets the screen message offset
scr_ofsy "0" // sets the screen message offset
scr_ofsz "0" // sets the screen message offset
scr_printspeed "8" // sets the screen message print speed
sensitivity "3" // sets the sensitivity of the mouse
servercfgfile "0" // sets the sercer config file - default is server.cfg
serverinfo // displays the server infromation
setdemoinfo // adds information to a demo, such as a text title, play "tracknum", fade or setinfo // sets the tfc clan battle id
setmaster // sets the master server - use either an ip addy or a hostname
showinfo // toggles display of all packets - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
showpause "1" // toggles pause of graphic display - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
sizedown // decreases screen size and increases fps
sizeup // increases screen size and decreases fps
skill "1" // sets the skill level in singleplayer and coop mode
skin "0" // sets the model skin
slist // searches for local servers - use "list" to display this list
slot1 // select weapon group 1 (or menu item 1) see "use"
slot10 // select weapon group 10 (or menu item 10) see "use"
slot2 // select weapon group 2 (or menu item 2) see "use"
slot3 // select weapon group 3 (or menu item 3) see "use"
slot4 // select weapon group 4 (or menu item 4) see "use"
slot5 // select weapon group 5 (or menu item 5) see "use"
slot6 // select weapon group 6 (or menu item 6) see "use"
slot7 // select weapon group 7 (or menu item 7) see "use"
slot8 // select weapon group 8 (or menu item 8) see "use"
slot9 // select weapon group 9 (or menu item 9) see "use"
snapshot // takes a screenshot
snd_noextraupdate "0" // toggles extra sound system updates - 1 is "on" and only use if having problems, 0 is "off"
snd_show "0" // toggles the display of which sounds are being played - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
soundfade // sets the soundfade parameters - = <%>[]
soundinfo // displays the number of stereo channels, samples, samplebits, speed DMA, and sound channels
soundlist // displays a list of all loaded sounds
spawn // spawns a player back into the game
speak // to say something over the intercom - try: hello, #000000, mesa, you, go alert
spec_autodirector_internal "1"
spec_drawcone_internal "1"
spec_drawnames_internal "1"
spec_drawstatus_internal "1"
spec_mode_internal "1"
spec_pip "0"
spec_scoreboard "0"
startdemos // begins playing demos in a loop
startmovie // plays a movie
status // lists each client and the following info for each client: user#, frags, name, framerate, latency, ping, packet drop %
stop // stops the recording of a demo
stopdemo // stop the playing of a demo
stopsound // stops playing the current sound
stuffcmds // used to initialize client console commands from server and restarts server and then does some funky thing to the server display
suitvolume "0.250" // sets the volume of the HEV suit
sv_accelerate "10" // sets the player acceleration for a server
sv_aim "0" // toggles auto-aim for clients - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
sv_airaccelerate "10" // sets the movement speed while player is in the air
sv_airmove "1" // toggles clients ability to move in the air
sv_allowdownload "1" // toggles the ability of clients to download maps and decals - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
sv_allowupload "1" // toggles the ability of clients to upload models and decals - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
sv_bounce "1" // toggles bounce pads - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
sv_cheats "0" // toggles cheats - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
sv_clienttrace "1" // sets the client bounding box for collisions
sv_clipmode "0" // toggles client clipping mode - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
sv_contact "0"
sv_downloadurl "0"
sv_enableoldqueries "0"
sv_failuretime "0.500"
sv_filetransfercompression "1"
sv_filterban "1"
sv_friction "4" // sets friction
sv_gravity "800" // sets level of in-game gravity
sv_instancedbaseline "1"
sv_lan "1" // toggles LAN server mode - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
sv_lan_rate "20000"
sv_logbans "0"
sv_logblocks "0"
sv_logrelay "0"
sv_log_onefile "0"
sv_log_singleplayer "0"
sv_maxrate "0" // sets the maximum data rate allowed on a server - good for HPB only servers - Version only
sv_maxspeed "320" // sets the maximum player speed for all clients
sv_maxunlag "0.500"
sv_maxupdaterate "30"
sv_maxvelocity "2000" // sets the maximum velocity
sv_minrate "0" // sets the minimum data rate allowed on a server - good for LPB only servers - Version only
sv_minupdaterate "10"
sv_newunit "0"
sv_outofdatetime "1800"
sv_password "0" // sets a password for clients to enter a server
sv_proxies "1"
sv_rcon_banpenalty "0"
sv_rcon_maxfailures "10"
sv_rcon_minfailures "5"
sv_rcon_minfailuretime "30"
sv_region "-1"
sv_send_logos "1"
sv_send_resources "1"
sv_skycolor_b "0"
sv_skycolor_g "0"
sv_skycolor_r "0"
sv_skyname "0" // sets the sky texture
sv_skyvec_x "0"
sv_skyvec_y "0"
sv_skyvec_z "0"
sv_spectatormaxspeed "500" // sets the maximum movement speed of spectators - spectator mode does not currently work
sv_stats "1"
sv_stepsize "18" // sets monster and player auto step-up size - larger values allows auto-climbing of steeper slopes
sv_stopspeed "100" // speed at which the player stops when running forward, back, left or right
sv_timeout "60" // sets the timeout inactivity limit
sv_unlag "1"
sv_unlagpush "0"
sv_unlagsamples "1"
sv_uploadmax "0.500"
sv_version "112.600"
sv_visiblemaxplayers "-1"
sv_voicecodec "0"
sv_voiceenable "1"
sv_voicequality "3"
sv_wateraccelerate "10" // sets the in-water acceleration of clients
sv_wateramp "0"
sv_waterfriction "1" // sets friction underwater
sv_zmax "4096" // sets the maximum zbuffer size
swapdemo // swaps two segments" positions inside a demo
sys_ticrate "100"
s_2dvolume "0.880" // maximum volume at which 2D sounds are played - range from 0 to 1.0
s_a3d "0" // toggles A3D support - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
s_automax_distance "30" // sets the distance for maximum sound volume
s_automin_distance "2" // sets the distance for minimum sound volume
s_blipdir "0"
s_bloat "2" // bloat factor for polygons in A3D 2.0 only
s_buffersize "65536" // sets the buffer size
s_disable_a3d // toggles disabling a3D - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
s_distance "60" // adjust the ratio of game units to meters, affecting velocity, positioning and distance - higher the number, the closer everything gets in audio terms - range from 0 to infinity
s_doppler "0" // adjusts the doppler - 1 is "on", 0 is "off", range from 0 to 10, and is very sensitive
s_eax "0" // toggles EAX support - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
s_enable_a3d // enables A3D support
s_geometry "1" // toggles geometry rendering in A3D 2.0 only - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
s_leafnum "0"
s_materials "0"
s_max_distance "1000" // maximum distance from the listener before rolloff is no longer applied - valid range from "s_min_distance" to infinity
s_min_distance "8" // minimum distance a source will be from the listener before rolloff is applied - range from 0 to "s_max_distance"
s_numpolys "200" // maximum polygons to be rendered in A3D 2.0 only - setting this to 0 is the same as turning off "s_geometry" - range from 0 to infinity
s_occfactor "0.250" // transmission value of material - the smaller the number, the less sound passes through material - range from 0 to 1.0
s_occlude "1" // toggles sound passing throug material (occlusions) in A3D 2.0 only - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
s_occ_epsilon "1"
s_polykeep "1000000000"
s_polysize "10000000"
s_refdelay "4" // delays between a source and its closest reflection in A3D 2.0 only - higher the delay, the more time it takes between when the source and its first reflection is played - range from 0 to 100
s_refgain "0.400" // adjusts the gain on each reflection in A3D 2.0 only, where the effects of distance are increased: high frequencies are filtered and volume lowered - range from 0 to 10
s_reflect "1"
s_reverb "1"
s_rolloff "1"
s_show "0"
s_showtossed "0"
s_usepvs "1"
s_verbwet "0.250" // controls the wet/dry mix of reverb for A3D only - higher the number, the more wet the sounds - range from 0 to 1.0
team "0" // toggles team mode - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
tell // speks a message
texgamma "2" // possibly sets the gamma of the text
thirdperson // enables third-person view
timedemo // plays .dem at max fps and reports average fps
timerefresh // player spins in plave and reports average fps for the spinning view
toggleconsole // toggles the console screen - usually bound to "~"
topcolor "30" // sets the model top color
traceralpha "0.500" // sets tracer bullet alpha component
tracerblue "0.400" // sets tracer bullet blue component
tracergreen "0.800" // sets tracer bullet green component
tracerlength "0.800" // sets the tracer bullet length
traceroffset "30" // sets the tracer bullet offset
tracerred "0.800" // sets the tracer bullet red component
tracerspeed "6000" // sets the tracer bullet speed
unbind // removes binding to key unbindall // removes all key bindings
upload // uploads files to a server
user // lists model color, name, rate, and model for specified user
users // lists all players with their corresponding userid"s (#"s generated by server) and uniqueid"s (id # unique per cd key and assigned by WON) - Version only
version // gives build version and date it was installed
vgui_emulatemouse "0"
vid_d3d "0" // toggles Direct3D support - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
viewframe // enables wire-frame display - OpenGL only
viewmodel // enables model display
viewnext // selects next model
viewprev // selects previous model
viewsize "120" // sets view size
violence_ablood "0" // toggles blood - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
violence_agibs "0" // toggles gibs - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
violence_hblood "0"
violence_hgibs "0" // toggles gibs - 1 is "on", 0 is "off"
voice_avggain "0.500"
voice_clientdebug "0"
voice_dsound "1"
voice_eax "0"
voice_enable "1"
voice_fadeouttime "0.100"
voice_forcemicrecord "1"
voice_inputfromfile "0"
voice_loopback "0"
voice_maxgain "5"
voice_modenable "1"
voice_overdrive "2"
voice_overdrivefadetime "0.400"
voice_profile "0"
voice_recordtofile "0"
voice_scale "0.750"
voice_showchannels "0"
voice_showincoming "0"
volume "0.800" // sets game volume
v_centermove "0.150"
v_centerspeed "500"
v_dark "0"
wait // pauses for 1 tick during running an alias or script
waterroom_type "14"
writeid // writes unique id"s to banned.cfg - Version only
writeip // writes ip addresses to listip.cfg
zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1.200" // sets mouse sensitivity while using weapon zoom
_cl_autowepswitch "1"
_snd_mixahead "0.100"
- zurück
Den Fastdownload für Counter-Strike 1.6 kann man unabhängig vom Game-Server Anbieter einrichten.
Wer Custom Maps oder sonst was benutzt braucht so etwas auf jeden Fall da der Download
für die Spieler sonst auf eine Geschwindigkeit von ca. 3-5kb/Sekunde beschränkt ist.
Wer 10 Minuten an einer Map lädt und dann noch mal 10 Minuten für die Sounds braucht,
disconnected lieber.
Das funktioniert bei allen HL1 und HL2 Games, ausgenommen Left4Dead 1 und 2.
Ein guter Webspace ist Pflicht da wir mit den Free Hostern nur Probleme haben werden
(Traffic Begrenzung,AGBs,CAPTCHAS,Dynamische Links)
Wir empfehlen hier Unseren Hoster weil Top Service und günstig http://www.blue-coding.de/
Auf dem Webspace legen wir einen Ordner an z.B.
Dort speichern wir dann die Maps und alles andere, die Ordnerstruktur muss genau so wie auf dem Game-Server sein.
Alle Dateien auf dem Webspace müssen auch genau so auch auf dem Game-Server vorhanden sein
(Ausgenommen die Standard Dateien) sonst funktioniert es nicht!
Im nächsten Schritt fügen wir auf dem Game-Server in der config.cfg folgende Zeile hinzu:
- zurück
Die modt.txt (Message of the Day) ist das start Bild/Text wenn man erfolgreich mit dem Server verbunden ist.
Sie ist nichts anderes wie eine HTML Datei.
Bilder einfügen mit:
Sound im Hintergrund:
MP3 oder WAV Formate sind möglich jedoch sollten wir keinen zu langen Sound nehmen,
da der Spieler ihn nicht stoppen kann.
Eine Website Anzeigen:
Die Website sollte aber extra auf die motd angepasst werden.
Große Seiten, viele Bilder usw. können dazu führen das, dass Spiel kurz einfrieren kann.
Weiter hin sollten nur darauf achten, dass wir die motd Seite nicht größer wie 590 x 290 Pixel machen.
Das ist die Größe für die Anzeige bei einer Auflösung von 800x600.
Je höher die Auflösung um so größer wird auch die Anzeige des motd Fenster.
Es macht also keinen Sinn die motd auf eine hohe Auflösung an zu passen,
da nicht jeder auf einer so hohen Auflösung spielt.
Hier noch eine Liste der Größen und Auflösungen:
Auflösung -- Motd Fenster
640 x 480 = 450 x 210
800 x 600 = 590 x 290
1024 x 768 = 760 x 380
1600 x 1200 = 1190 x 590